Outdoors Day for the Whole Family on August 20 – Free Activities

Active in Eidsfoss and a number of associations, invite you and your family to this year’s Outdoors Day (Friluftstreff) in Eidsfoss. It is a day with many activities, and you are welcome to stay the night in one of the huts in Sandvik. All activities are free, and the day is held no matter the weather. Climbing, horse grooming and riding, nature trail, hiking, fishing camp, canoeing, shooting, volleyball, bees and honey, dogs, mini theatre, drawing, making bird boxes, swimming and bread baking are among the activities this year. In addition, the Vestfold Museums offer blacksmithing courses with the local blacksmiths Svarttrost smithy. The course is outside the Ironworks Museum.

Welcome to a day dedicated to outdoor life!