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Happy streets Children festival – August 7.

Festivalområdet Plasseskogen, Hof kommune

Happy streets is the childrens very own festival, and it is free to join. As usual, there will be lots of activities, games, entertainment, fun and play at the festival area by Eidsfos Hall. Updated info at Happy streets own facebook page.

Outdoor life Festival – Sept. 1.-2.


Eidsfoss outdoor life festival is happening for the first time this september weekend. Open air activities for the whole family. Free entrance! More info is coming.

Viking life – Exhibition Sept. 15. – 16.

Eidsfos Hovedgård

The same weekend as the food festival, an exhibition about Viking life in Hof takes place at Eidsfos manor. There will be traditional bread baking, and the result is for sale.

Arts and Crafts market 2018 – Oct. 27.-28.


The Arts and Crafts market takes place on the last weekend in october, as tradition dictates. That means open galleries and good atmosphere all over Eidsfoss. More information will come. 

“Dread and Horror” on october 27.

Eidsfos Hovedgård

Creapy cosiness for children in all ages at Eidsfos Mansion Halloween is partly based on the old western christian celebration All Saints evening, dating back hundreds of years before the modern version. It was believed to be the time a year when the divide between our and the spirit world was at its narrowest. Do […]

Lutefisk- nights nov. 2., 3., 9. and 10.

Gamle Eidsfos Kro

As tradition dictates, Lutefisk is served at the Tavern first two weekends in november 2./3. and 9./10. Remember to book a table!  

Lighting the Christmas tree on dec 2.

Eidsfoss Landhandel Bråtagata 52

The first sunday in advent we light the tree by Eidsfos country store. Will Santa show up with a sleigh of candy?

Christmas market dec. 8-9.


Christmas market in Eidsfoss. You are invited to an old fashioned market in historic settings. Christmas spirit guaranteed! Opening hours: 11-4 both days.

Family Christmas buffet dec. 9. og 16.

Gamle Eidsfos Kro

Welcome to christmas buffet at the tavern on the third and forth sunday in advent, dec 9th and 16th. Remember to book table!  

Christmas concert december 15.

Eidsfoss Kirke

There will be a christmas concert on dec 15. in Eidsfoss church. Information about artist, cover charge and more is coming.

Outdoor Gathering 24th of august


Outdoor Gathering in Eidsfoss For the first time, the Outdoor Gathering will take place at Eidsfoss on saturday 24th of august 2019. There are many activities for active children of all ages, and the event is completely free to attend. Program 11:00 Acivities start at "Hallen"  Climbing, Horse care and riding, Nature trail, Hiking, Historic […]

Anniversary at the Tavern September 7th

Bråtagata, Gamle Eidsfos Kro

As Beate Bettum has run Eidsfos old Tavern for 25 years, she invites you to an event that includes cake and concert with the local rock-band Hengsrø smie. Free entry! The concert starts at 7 p.m.

Lutefisk Eve 1 and 2 November

Bråtagata, Gamle Eidsfos Kro

On the first and second november you are invited to the traditional lutefish evening at the old Tavern. Remember to book a table.

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